The Dr. Virga Podcast

Does This Stuff Cause Cancer?

Dr. Jessie Virga Season 1 Episode 1

Join me as I attempt to unravel the tangled web of glyphosate, the superstar of weed killers, and its controversial link to cancer. From courtrooms to cornfields, dive deep into the scientific debates, legal battles, and regulatory twists. Whether you’re a curious consumer or a concerned citizen, this episode is your essential guide to understanding what’s really at stake. Let’s get to the root of the issue and see if glyphosate’s reputation is truly toxic. Tune in, stay informed, and discover why this chemical is stirring up so much trouble!

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$11 billion has just been paid out to people who claim that the popular herbicide and weed killer brand Roundup caused their cancer now that might not be too surprising considering America's a giant dumpster fire right now but I wanted to dive a little bit more into this especially since I heard RFK Robert F Kennedy Jr talk about this on the Sean Ryan Show what environmental talks has became you big what is along that timeline I could be responsible you know could be and he said really there's only about 13 of them there's um the life is a which is around up the active ingredient and round up which follow that timeline pretty perfectly then I see a post by Doctor Andrea Love who is a very well known and immunologist that I truly do truly respect however her stance was that it was completely safe and that was a little bit of conflicting information and environmental attorney like Robert F Kennedy Jr is saying it's not safe but an immunologist like Andrea Love is saying it's safe common sense would lead to believe that the scientist knows better but I wanted to learn a little bit more about this and today I'm gonna share with you all of the crazy shit that I discovered while going down this rabbit hole so let's talk about what the fuck is in Roundup that is causing people to sue the brand Monsanto the makers of Roundup so round up contains a chemical called glyphosate and glyphosate is an herbicide herb meaning plant side meaning killer it is a plant killer or in this case a weed killer however based on their EPA registration it kills every single fucking thing in its path 68 different plants are listed as um effective organisms that this thing works on now glycosate was introduced in 1974 and the way it works is this glycosate stuff basically attacks the chachemic acid pathway that's a lot again I am I'm not an epidemiologist or biochemical or whatever biomedical engineer um however from what I was able to deduce from what I found online is that the chichimic acid pathway is essentially this amino acid pathway if you remember anything from high school science amino acids are the building blocks of protein so it's his protein synthesis pathway essentially glyphesate comes in cuts that shit out this organism this these plants slash weeds can't make the protein they need to survive and so they die as you can see science is my life and the theory is since humans and animals don't have the chachemic acid pathway that it doesn't really work on us right there's no real harm to us so this stuff works really fucking well right it is used globally to the point where by 2025 it is believed that an estimated 920 tons of this stuff is gonna be used by the agricultural industry that is 750,000 gallons of glyvisate being used globally to help farmers with their weed problems so that brought me to my next question well if this stuff is so good how are people able to sue Monsanto right you can't just go to court and sue somebody and say your stuff gave me cancer you have to prove that and it turns out that that proving portion is an actual thing in in legal terms it's called a Dobert standard and again I'm not a lawyer lawyer and this is not legal advice but basically this Daubert standard has to be met before anybody can sue anybody else with a claim such as your stuff cause cancer so there's something called a Daubert hearing and during this Daubert hearing the plaintiff or petitioner will say hey this is all the evidence that I have supporting my claim that Monsanto's round up weed killer glyphosate stuff caused my cancer if the judge says okay this is sufficient we can move forward with the case then they move on to the next page which can result in either them receiving a settlement from Monsanto or you know them receiving nothing because there just wasn't substantial proof or whatever happens in the actual litigation process now Monsanto hasn't lost all you know hasn't lost all of these cases right they're winning some of them but the ones that they're losing has so far cost them $11 billion if you're wondering how many people are actually suing Monsanto the answer is 165,000 people and from all the cases that I was able to read now leave links to these cases if you wanna go through them yourself is that a majority of the people suing Monsanto are gardeners landscapers and people who were directly exposed to this stuff every single day for the most part for 20 30 years right pretty much in Swan Santo drop now if you're not familiar with the CFR 1 80 basically the CFR 1 80 is the federal standard for how much of this stuff or any chemical is allowed to be on our food so I immediately went to that to figure out how much clafficate are we allowed to have on our food like if these people are in direct contact with it is there any harm to the general public you know the people that are consuming the food that farmers are growing or is there any harm to us if our landscapers using it on our property and when I found out was not really a straight answer between point one and 400 parts per million are allowed to be on our food so now I will say it varies between point one and point seven is what we're allowed to have on things like lettuce and asparagus and cauliflower but animal feed so the stuff our livestock is eating is allowed to be upwards of 400 parts per million and I was like well that's fucking weird right I can consume a little bit they can consume a lot of it pound for pound that just didn't make too much sense to me but hey that's what the law says so from there as I continue to fall down this rabbit hole I went to the EPA's website and I was like okay all these people are being sued this round up stuff is still on the fucking shelves I was at Lowe's the other day and it's still fucking there so if this stuff is still on the shelves but we have people saying it's causing their cancer what does the EPA have to say about it cause after all they are the regulatory agency well according to the EPA's website they stand firmly on their statement that glyphosate is perfectly safe and is not harmful to humans go on to state that even though the International Agency of research on cancer deemed glyphosate possibly carcinogenic they don't agree with that and I was like hold the fuck on The International Agency of research on cancer is saying that the stuff is possibly carcinogenic what and that statement came out in 2,015 but wait there's more so I was like did they produce any research to you know stand firmly against the fact that it could be carcinogenic and the answer is no I'll save you the I'll save you the the research there are some international studies but basically IARC said this stuff could be cancerous EPA said not fuck that it's fine okay how how are we saying this stuff is fine when Monsando's having to pay $11 billion right it's just something's not making sense so I'm like make it make sense I'm confused and I'm worried that's when I discovered that in 2,018 when Monsanto went to renew their registration with the EPA in order to continue to produce glyphosphate that the EPA turned to the public and said hey public what do you think should we renew round up should we renew Monsanto's request for you know to continue to produce glyphosate I didn't even know that did you know that did you know that the EPA will solicit responses from the public about possible registration renewals which by the way happen every 15 years cause I sure as hell fucking didn't how come that shit's not on the headlines how come CBS Fox CNN how come they're not saying hey guys by the way there's this toxic chemical that's being produced and they're up for renewal and the EPA wants to know what the fuck do you think I didn't know that anyway I digress so if you're watching this podcast on YouTube I'm gonna post 11 of the comments that were on the EPA's website during Monsanto's 2,018 registration renewal of glyphosate but if you're not on YouTube and you're listening to this I'm gonna read you some the first comment says ban glyphosate we owe it to our children and the creatures we share this earth with it is not a substance which should be so pervasive in our food drink soil and water okay let's continue please keep glyphosate out of our ecosystem no glyvisate should not be in our food it should be labeled everywhere it is found and labeled for what it is a carcinogen these comments go on and I'm gonna show 11 of them on the screen right now if you're listening to this feel free to head to my website or watch this YouTube video where you can see all of these comments we have William Callahan PhD he's saying this shit's not good for us Manuel Hipkin she submitted a whole fucking paper we have Dana Louis Louis sorry PhD of professor of environmental health at a Reno she posted a whole fucking paper on it too we also have a petition with 4,000 signatures the shit was 215 pages people saying we do not want you to renew this right that doesn't fucking matter because guess what the EPA renewed it despite a majority of the comments are 27 comments a majority of them were from people saying to ban glyphosate sounds about right the fuck right how come there's more outrage around this right I looked Monsanto also submitted some petitions and when I looked the Monsanto petitions it was all farmers wait a second how come the people saying to ban glyphosade are just pretty much regular people but the people signing monsantos petition are all farmers that's suspicious that is suspicious that is when I realized through some more research I found in a Forbes article that Monsanto created genetically modified plant seeds or what they call round up resistant plant seeds that are immune to glyphosate okay well kind of keeping with Hamlin's razor which is never a tribute to malice we can be adequately explained by stupidity which I don't think this was stupidity I think this was opportunity in 1974 Monsanto comes out with glyphosate as round up and they say this is the best shit on the market and people use it and they're like wow this literally does kill everything in its path plants and grasses but farmers are like I wanna use it but it's gonna kill my plants so when Gmos kind of hit the market in the 90s Montanto was like boom here you go here's a round up resistant seat so you can continue to use our round up and you don't have to worry about killing your plants now if I'm a farmer and your livelihood depends on your output your crop output in your managing dozens or hundreds of acres and you wanna make sure that you're able to maximize your profit right I wanna be able to utilize every single square inch of my property cause that my livelihood depends on it makes sense it makes sense that Monsanto created a GMO plant seed what was kind of weird though is that they made these farmers signed contract the contracts basically said you can use our plant seeds you can purchase our plant seeds but you cannot save the seeds from the plants that are produced so if you have a genetically modified I don't know corn you can't save the corn and use that next year now again playing a little bit of devil's advocate here I'm like well I know a little bit about pollination germination run have my own little vegetable garden so I was like well maybe something happens or some sort of like genetic mutation in the second generation or cross pollination issues for the second generation which would cause Monsanto to have a little bit of a concern which is why they have farmers said they're not going to you know save the seeds but then I wondered no no there are a lot of plants out there whose seeds you cannot save because they are they are trademarked essentially by the company who created the plant so that would tell me that Monsanto created a monopoly over the round up resistant plant seeds take that for what you will will say will earmark that you can leave a comment on what you think but I'm leaning a little bit more towards they own the seeds they own the patent trademark copyright whatever you wanna call this their it's their intellectual property if you will it's their property they produce the seeds they sell the seeds you cannot produce the seeds because they own the rights to them okay so that's a little interesting but that really doesn't answer the question as to how$11 billion is paid into lawsuits for a product the EPA and everybody is saying is safe I'm I'm confused right so I did a little bit more research and I don't wanna cherry pick research here so I'm gonna leave all the research I found the research that I found that says that glyphosate is safe and the research that I found that says glyphosate isn't safe because science you know science is malleable there's not any real one decision usually and even if there is one decision that a lot of scientists tend to lean towards that doesn't mean that there isn't science out there that contradicts that decision this one article I found is called the exposure to glyphosate based herbicide and risk for Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma which is what they're saying is the primary cancer that you are more susceptible to for long term exposure to glyphosate and this is a meta analysis and supporting evidence this came out in September 2,019 by a journal called Immune Research Mutation Research rather and what they say is that long term exposure to glyphosate increases your risk of developing cancer by 41% now moving past the abstract unlike 99% of Google University graduates out there this study does contain animal um animal study so maybe take it with a grain of salt but I was like wow 41% that's a that's a lot of percent so I'm like let me see if I can find another article the next one I found is Toxic Effects of glyphosate on the Nervous System a Systematic Review now I'm gonna read this verbatim for what the article or what the research study says and I'm not gonna read all the examples here but you'll get the gist it has been shown that exposure to this pesticide herbicide whatever during the early stages of life meaning human development can seriously affect normal cell development by de regulating some of the signaling pathways involved in this process leading to alterations and differentiation neuronal growth and myelination okay that's a lot of science there what else does it say the doses of glyphosate that produce these neurotic effects very widely but are lower than the limits set by regulatory agencies meaning the tolerances I mentioned in the CFR the study is saying that they're actually a little too high and then we can see some serious effects at a cellular level at much lower doses than that when it comes to early stages of life it goes on to say it is unequivocal that exposure to glyphosate produce important alterations in the structure and function of the nervous system of humans rodents fish and invertebrates it then says that glyphosate can be found in the urine of between 60 and 80% of the US population that is fucking worrisome because I was thinking really the people that would be affected by this or the people who are using it every day like gardeners and farmers and people that are using it by the boat load like farmers and people who manage crops now that being said that's still a fucking concern right cause this is essentially the backbone of our country there's people making our fucking food these are blue collar workers who are maintaining our properties unbeknownst to us that in order to do those fucking things they're increasing the likelihood that they develop cancer now this was a little barism I then found some articles and some research studies saying that hey listen based on our research it was statistically insignificant right there was real there wasn't really any proof that Glavis a cause cancer but a lot of those studies one predominantly used in Andrea Loves news newsletter said was a study only conducted in Iowa and North Carolina and I was like okay that's good right it's good that there is not a lot of evidence showing that people in those areas can develop cancer by using glyphosate long term but long term I would say take with a grain of salt I'll leave a link to that research article in the comments again the science is on both side of the fence here and all I wanna know is does this shit fucking cause cancer or does it increase the likelihood that you will develop cancer something that is not being answered by this research and if the EPA turns around in 15 years and wants to renew the registration for glyphosate I wanna be able to say confidently yes renew it or no don't fucking renew it right I think that's really the question that everybody wants answered and I'm sorry to say this I can't really answer that for you I'm just presenting what I found in the research and I'm I really do recommend that you check out these links you read the research for yourself and you come up to you know to your own conclusion and when the EPA turns around and asks the public again for their input that you actually put your input now I know I said it doesn't count they would EPA did whatever they wanted anyway and I honestly think that's because there's not enough exposure there's not enough news coverage on things like this now in this same study they did say and I think that this is important that both glyphosate and its metabolite AMPA can increase blood brain barrier permeability possibly by interfering with the proteins that mediate the hermetic junctions between the endothelial cells that comprise the blood brain barrier they also continue to say that exposure takes time possibly because it takes time to alter the integrity of the blood brain barrier that's fucking concerning right now again 165,000 lawsuits filed against Monsanto now bear $11 billion paid out already that's a lot of fucking money for something that's supposed to be safe we have the EPA sending firm against you know sending firm with their you know opinion I would say that this stuff doesn't cause cancer although the 54 studies that they've conducted are primarily on soil and animals and the environment and not on humans so what I would like to see is a long term fucking study if you're gonna take anything away from today's episode it is that we should be asking for a long term study I want you to follow somebody in New York City somebody in fucking Tulsa Texas California a farmer a gardener a school teacher a vegan a carnivore follow fucking everybody there should be a very good representation of the general public in this study that follows them their potential exposure to glyphosate and did any of them develop cancer was there a predisposition of cancer was there diet shit and that contributed to the increase in their likelihood of getting cancer right like can we do a long term fucking study because again like everything we fucking do in this country we go balls to the wall 1974 this stuff dropped and we like this shit is awesome use it everywhere and then we did and now we're like oh it could be carcinogenic and we're like man or the EPA is like man I would just say this I have kind of lost a little bit of faith in the EPA and I would love to see now they are the Environmental Protection Agency so I can understand why they didn't do a ton of research into human studies caveat there right but where the fuck is the FDA the CDC where is everybody else with that being said read the research do your own research and at the end of the day it is up to us to do something about it right it is up to the American public if we don't like what the fuck is happening in our country it is up to us it is up to us right it is up to us to go through the research is up to us as the average person to determine whether or not we want the stuff to be used in our environment now yes I have lost some faith in the EPA but that really has a lot to do with what RFK said later on in his interview on the Sean Ryan Show about how these research institutes that are federally funded are actually earning a profit from Big Pharma and in 1980 we passed a law called the Bi Dole Act and that law has said that NIH scientists work on new drugs get to keep royalties for them oh so and NIH gets to keep royalties gotta be kidding oh so the Moderna vaccine a good example NIH owns half of the Moderna vaccine and I'll get more into that into the next episode but until next time I'll see you on the flip side

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