The Dr. Virga Podcast

How a Nutritionist Loses Weight

Jessie Virga Season 1 Episode 3

In this episode, I walk you through how to write a meal plan if you're starting from scratch. 

Being fat was never where I thought I'd be after having lost so much weight a few times throughout my life... and yet I find myself here.

This first meal plan is NOT the best. This is designed to help me start tracking things again. In the next few weeks I will transition to all whole foods diet, remove the string cheese, add a ton more protein and incorporate some carb cycling. This new plan along with my training plan I'll post in 2 weeks! If you want to see my progress follow me on instagram
Stay tuned. 
Copy of this plan: 
Welcome to Jessie Virga’s channel, where she shares insights on her wide array of interests. Jessie also hosts an audio podcast (link below). 

Jessie Virga hails from the Bronx and has an extensive background in security and defense, having spent 10 years in the military in various security roles. Following her military service, she pursued a degree in Cognitive Behavioral Neuroscience from UCSD and briefly pursued medical school. Realizing her true passion lay elsewhere, she transitioned back to security work with the Department of Defense and Homeland Security, earning both an MBA and a DBA in Homeland Security. She is currently pursuing a PhD in Health Psychology. 

Jessie’s career has always focused on protecting people, information, and infrastructure. Her dedication extends beyond her professional life. She volunteers for Search and Rescue, works as a part-time EMT (TCCC/TECC), and enjoys hiking, backpacking, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and staying active. 

In addition to her professional and volunteer commitments, Jessie is an entrepreneur. She owns several businesses, including a nonprofit animal welfare organization, K&L Animal Rescue. Jessie is eager to share her extensive knowledge and experiences through her journeys. These thoughts are her own, and she welcomes engaging with those who have something interesting to share. Feel free to reach out via email. 

Thank you for being here, and God Bless. 
K&L Animal Rescue: 
MB Fitness: 
MB Security: 
Entrepreneur HQ: 

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Visit for our privacy policy, terms and conditions and terms of service. This is not legal, security, health, fitness, business, finance or any other type of advice. This is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing any specific advice. You should contact your primary healthcare provider, attorney, etc., to obtain advice with respect to any particular issue or problem. Nothing here should be construed as (insert service)-client privilege (yes "insert service" is there on purpose). If you are looking for more information about any of the services I provide, please click on the respective link.

might not have this broad scope level of understanding just simply because they've never been exposed to it and you know that's okay there are a lot of nutritionists out there who are not certified who aren't registered dietitians I'm taking into consideration the shit that they don't like and then I also asked them like cause the consultation is normally going to be something that we have just yes they fill out a form but it's also going to be something that we are in a

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