The Dr. Virga Podcast

How to Get Hired For Any Job

Jessie Virga Season 1 Episode 4

In Episode 4 of the Dr. Virga Podcast, Jessie Virga discusses the critical aspects of resume writing, drawing from nearly a decade of experience in hiring and firing across various sectors, including DOD contracting, federal employment, and private business ownership. The episode breaks down the differences between private sector and federal resumes, emphasizing the importance of tailoring your resume for each job application. Jessie outlines the necessary components for both types of resumes, offering practical tips on formatting, content inclusion, and how to leverage tools like Canva for creating effective resumes. Additionally, Jessie advises on how to apply for jobs, including the importance of verifying job postings, researching companies, and incorporating relevant keywords from job descriptions into your resume.

Jessie also provides insight into the federal job application process, detailing the steps involved from HR review to final interviews, and how to ensure your resume passes through these stages successfully. The episode wraps up with advice on preparing for interviews, negotiating salaries and benefits, and the value of maintaining a "rolling brag sheet" to keep track of accomplishments that can be added to your resume over time. Jessie concludes by offering various resources and templates to assist listeners in their resume writing and job application processes.

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what's up everybody welcome back to the Doctorly podcast today I want to talk to you about something that is near and dear to my heart and that is resume writing I've been hiring and firing people for almost 10 years now and I see the same fucking problems all of the time right I see people on social media and Facebook groups the local town group saying like is anybody hiring and keep on sending my resume off and nobody's hiring me or I've applied on USA Jobs 100 times and my application never goes through and it's like well either you or your resume sucks right that's the salute that's it right somebody got selected and unless there's some sort of like nepotism happening or the employer already had somebody in mind and it was kind of like a formality to put the job listing out the other two options are you suck your resume sucked and or your application sucked but those are the problems so today I'm gonna talk to you guys about the different types of resumes how to write a resume and then how to apply for a job if you are listening to this podcast I'm going to be posting things or no throwing things up on the screen here if you're watching on YouTube you'll be able to see it either way I'm going to leave templates for both types of resumes in the link in the description let's get into it first I wanted to go through a little bit about my experience and what I mean when I say I've been hiring and firing people for almost a decade when I got out of the military and kind of went into law enforcement world the first thing I did or the first real I guess job in the career that I'm currently in was I became a DOD contractor after contracting for about 5 years I became a federal employee and I was a federal employee for a few more years after that I also own my own businesses and I have employees and I higher them myself and I fire them myself so I have been kind of in all of the world almost as an employer and as a supervisor who is sat on hiring boards or has reviewed resumes I've applied for state jobs but they're very very different like a whole other world because sometimes a county job does things differently or a city job does things differently than the state so I'm not gonna talk too much about that just simply because I don't have a ton of experience but some of the skills that I'm gonna talk about as it relates to the application process and to the interview process should be applicable to state jobs as well okay so first we have private sector resumes private sector resumes are non government that includes DOD contractors cause the contracting company is not owned by the government it's a private company it's also gonna be jobs from anywhere from Starbucks to booze Allen right anything in between is going to require a private sector job these private sector jobs are no more than three pages I don't care if you have 60 years of experience your resume needs to be three pages nothing more there's nothing more to prove and even three pages is pushing it I've seen resumes for people who have 45 years of experience and that shit is one page next we have federal resumes federal resumes are long as shit right OPM just came out with the new requirement that pretty much the most important information has to be in the first 5 pages but it isn't they didn't say it has to only be 5 pages or 5 pages maximum they just said the important shit needs to be in the first 5 pages and I'll talk about what that important shit is as we get into federal jobs the most important shit of my life so those are the two different types of resumes private sector resume federal resume so let's talk about how to format a private sector resume now Canva has a ton of amazing templates if you wanna download Canva they have a free version they have resume templates on there it doesn't fucking matter what the template looks like it can have your pictures and have to have your picture it doesn't fucking matter either way doesn't fucking matter if you have Microsoft Word Microsoft Word also has some free templates in their template library there's a ton of templates if you just fucking Google it right I would like to resume can look however the fuck you want it to look it can be whatever color you want it to fucking be within reason it still needs to be legible but it has to have certain information at the top of your private sector resume it should have your name now because formatting is different basically what you need to have ideally at the top or somewhere prominent I'll say it needs to be your name and your contact information I don't recommend you put your address on it but your phone number and email address should be fine next you're gonna have a professional summary this is just a quick little blurb about you it's not gonna have your name in it it's not gonna be it's not gonna be written in first person but it's gonna be something like a dedicated professional with you know management skills and whatever right it's a quick little blur and unless you're in your career or profession you generally don't have to put any specific skills so if you worked at a pizza place and then you worked at Starbucks and then maybe work grocery store the professional summary doesn't have to say like excellent pizza flipper or grocery shelf stocker it can say something along the lines of diligent paid attention to detail right it's going to have the common denominator of the skills that you have that helped you be successful in those positions or helped you grow as a professional as you worked in these different environments right maybe it's been like excellent customer service and you know things like that you know excellent deductive reasoning or ability to solve problems on the fly like you know and obviously work a little bit better than that but that's what the professional summary is going to be next you're gonna get into your work history ideal your work history is going to have your position name so you know clerk receptionist whatever then it's gonna have your employer name so maybe you were front counter Tony's Pizza the location and the times you worked there so August to September 2023 and then it's going to have a brief description of your responsibilities as relates to that business in your job title so you know front counter Tony's Pizza it's gonna say took orders you know served pizza responsible for cleanliness responsible for handling money responsible for opening and closing the store it's gonna have the specifics at that point and it should be a little bit different than your professional summary but if I go back to your professional summary and I see that it says like did well under pressure it's like well that makes sense cause you're working the dinner rush at Tony's Pizza and you did a good job there like I can see how that how that you deduced that after your work experience or somewhere else on the page should be your skill set your education training and certificates you can plump it all together or you can make their make it their own separate categories but that's what else should be on your private sector resume your private sector resume is almost identical to your federal resume except for federal resume has a lot more stuff in it so the next thing let's talk about is your federal resume the format that I recommend for federal resumes might be different than the ones that you've seen the reason why I recommend this format is because it is straight to the point I'll come straight to the point 83 and at 5 page limit that OPM has set for human resources will be met and I'll talk about that process in that 5 page limit as we continue so your federal resume centered at the top should have your name and your contact information you can put your address but it at minimum should have your name your phone number and your email address the next section should be aligned to the left and it should have your citizenship status so US citizen right if that's what you are if you're a veteran it should say something like disabled veterans preference then it should have your availability like full time part time whatever that is next is job type so that can be permanent that can be detail you know whatever whatever you're looking for then it should have your desired location so if you wanna be a remote employee put remote if you wanna be anywhere in the US put anywhere in the US if you wanna be a government employee in Germany fucking put Germany or international right the last thing is going to be your current clearance if you don't have a current clearance or if maybe you were in the military and you had a clearance when you were in but it's been like 10 years just put previous clearance and whatever your clearance level was if you don't have a clearance then just don't include that don't put current clearance none right just just completely remove that next the heading that you're gonna have centered is going to say summary this is just like your professional description on your private sector resume except the summary is gonna be a bullet list my resume is 10 pages my summary is about a page and a half this summary is going to be a summary of all of my experience now when I was in the military I worked on weapon systems I had a variety of different jobs as a DOD contractor and as civilian you know I worked a little on it little on cybersecurity I did a little bit of those things before I went to physical security but I included all of those things in my professional summary my military experience I really kind of boil down to leadership working under high pressure things like that I didn't put like brig warden because even though I was a brig warden unless I'm trying to be a correctional officer nobody fucking cares and it's not applicable to the career that I'm currently in so as you're developing your resumes there are some experiences and previous employment that you might list but your description of that and your skill set or whatever you Learned while in that position is gonna boil down to more like soft skills rather than hard skills like I'm not going to put in my summary or in my resume my ability to detain somebody or do prisoner transport because I'm not working in that field anymore but I digress nobody cares about that kind of record anymore so again your summary is gonna be bullet points for federal resume because the thing is so fucking long do yourself a human resources and your potential new supervisor a favor and just make that shit bullet points it's easier to read it's more appealing to the eyes instead of it being a 10 page fucking essay so after the summary then you're gonna get into your experience the requirement for federal jobs for most federal jobs is that you have your position title if it was a GS your GS employee you put your GS grade along with the series number and then the agency or your employer the dates you worked there where you worked there or where you worked when you worked there so if you were remote you would put remote if it was Los Angeles you would put Los Angeles California then you're gonna put how many hours a week you work there so if it was full time I recommend putting 40+ if it was you know if you only worked 40 hours you didn't work a second overtime then okay 40 it was part time put part time if you weren't a government employee ever or if you're if some of your experience isn't as a federal employee you have to put your actual salary so 90 k hundred k whatever cause when you're a government employee government salaries are public their standard you can find them on the OPM website so they don't really need you to list that but if you weren't a government employee and you're using that experience you have to put how much you made so you're gonna have that as a header and again templates and examples of all of this are on there in the link in the description then you're gonna do a quick position description so you're just gonna say for example if I was a an administrator an it administrator I would put as an it administrator with at and t my responsibilities included no X y and Z period my other responsibilities included boom then you're gonna put that bullet list and you're gonna do that for every single fucking job you ever had and that is why federal resumes are so goddamn long it's because you're packing everything you've ever fucking done into this resume as you should so I always recommend that you keep a master federal resume even if you never intend on being a federal employee keep a master resume that's formatted similar to what I just mentioned so you can pull any information from it and pump it into your private sector resume when you need to which is gonna bring me to my next point you need to tailor your resume for each job but before I get into that after you put your work experience in your federal resume the next thing you're going to do is add your education your training awards and other right volunteer stuff whatever I also include my motherfucking hobbies your interests your hobbies your passions your weird fetishes and that's just simply because if I am doing something some extra curricular that relates to my current job I'll put that shit in there for example if I'm applying to be an it administrator and part time I volunteer as an it administrator for a nonprofit that fucking applies so keep track of that stuff okay getting back to what I said before now you have this like master resume this federal resume you have your private sector resume now we're gonna go apply for a job the first thing you wanna do if you're gonna go to a job board like indeed or monster the first thing you have to do is verify that job is still available a lot of these third party job boards job listing zip recruiter things like that they work on like an algorithm so when a company like Starbucks puts a job on their career page this algorithm that's constantly sniffing around the internet sees it grabs it and replicates it on the jobboard's website however the opposite the algorithm that's responsible for taking that job down is a lot slower than the website is so if Starbucks fills that position and takes it down in a week it might take the job board like a month to take that job down I need to fix the algorithm so you don't wanna waste your time applying for a job that is not even available anymore so what you wanna do is you wanna verify that job still exist so either go to the employer's career page if they have one and look for it if they don't have one find the contact information email them email their HR and just say like hey is this job still open I found it on zip recruiter maybe include the link and just say like I was gonna apply for this job I think it'd be a really good fit but I don't know if the job is still open I can't seem to find it on your website um is it safe to apply on Zip Recruiter especially if you're not familiar with the job board if it's not monster or indeed if it's like some random 3rd party one you wanna make sure you verify otherwise you're giving god knows who your resume your resume could potentially have your information on it like your address and stuff like that so once you've verified that the position is still open whether because you found it on the careers page or to legitimate indeed post or the company emailed you back and said yes it's still available the next thing you wanna do is look into the company and maybe you do this while you're waiting for a reply or maybe you do this while you're on their website you know looking at their careers page look at their mission statement understand the culture of the company that is going to help you out immensely in the interview you don't have to memorize it just get an idea of what you're looking at some companies have questions on their application that is basically like why you're applying here you know things like that and that is when you can like turn the tables around and be like listen like I'm applying here because as your mission statement states you know you are looking to whatever and that really resonates with me or that really compliments my career goals and I think that I can be a good I think that I'm a good fit for your company because your company is a good fit for me right like something along those lines you agree with that blah blah blah so do your little bit of research but before you apply for the job look at the job description which you should have already done before you like reached out to all of them you should have at least looked at the job description but now we're gonna really look at the job description we're gonna look for keywords these are gonna be things that are skills like they're looking for someone who is professional who works well under pressure who is you know um knows how to prioritize these little keywords that are in the job listing we wanna make sure we plug them into our resume somewhere right that's why you save a master copy every time you apply for a job you're going to make a new resume for that job so you take your master copy maybe you cut things out maybe put some things in and you save it for that job specifically so if you apply for 10 jobs you're gonna have 10 different resumes plus your master copy you always keep that master copy and I just wanna talk like really just about private sector jobs there's a couple extra steps for federal jobs which I'll get to in a second so you're gonna take these keywords and you're gonna make sure 1 that they apply to you and 2 that they're in your resume if they apply to you once you update your resume save that resume as like so if you're applying to Starbucks save it as like resume for Starbucks 2024 that's trust me they look at that shit so you know cause if you're human resources and all fucking day you see resume copy one resume 2 resume 2024 Jesse's resume but then all of a sudden you see Starbucks resume 2024 it's like oh shit okay this person made this resume for us like they tell her this resume for us cool I was like oh that's cool um I know some people in HR that do pay attention to those sorts of details so now let's talk about federal jobs it's gonna work the exact same way except you don't have to verify that the job exists because there's only one place that federal jobs are listed and that is USA now there are a couple other federal jobs that are not on USA jobs jobs for those agencies um don't really apply to what we're talking about because if you do get the ability to apply it's because they chose you right so moving past that so if you are on USA Jobs there is going to be less I'm gonna talk about the desktop version of USA Jobs and I'll bring up a random job here what you're gonna see is that there's gonna be the agencies information at the top sometimes they have like a little video in there um maybe there's like a video introduction to the agency on the right hand side is gonna be the information that we really care about which is when does this job announcement close so when is your deadline to submit your application how much is the pay where is it and what is the series if you've never applied to a government job before the series is like a 4 digit MOS it's basically your MOS but for the civilian job it's a code associated to your job type so if you're in investigations you're in the 18 series if you're some sort of administration you're in the 0 0 series just how the government works okay so that's gonna be the other things that are gonna be on the side is if it's supervisory if there's any other requirements for this job like a clearance level things like that so that's gonna be like kind of like administrative stuff that you should pay attention to that's gonna be on the right hand side the rest of the job announcement is going to have everything that you need to be aware of at the bottom it's gonna have instructions on how to apply and stuff like that but at the top so under so you're gonna have the agency information maybe a video and then underneath all of that you're going to have the actual job description it's gonna be bullet points it's gonna tell you your responsibilities read those jot down the keywords then go into the job description some jobs are for let's say a GS twelve GS thirteen now explain what the grades are in another video but just know that the higher the grade the more money you make in each grade has steps so a G s from a G s 12 to G s 13 there's 12 steps in between but if the job is just the G s 12 you'll never go higher than a G s twelve step 12 which is the highest step the only way for you to get a quote unquote promotion is to apply for a higher pay grade which as a federal employee you can only go one grade up every calendar year every 52 weeks so unless you've been a GS twelve for one year you can't apply for a GS thirteen but you can be any step so if you've been a GS twelve step one for a year which I think you automatically get step two after a year so let's say even GS twelve step 2 for a year you can apply to be a GS thirteen next year or if you've been a GS twelve step 12 you can also apply to be a GS thirteen after you've been there for a year in underneath the basic job description that bullet Points is going to have the responsibilities that a GS whatever has those again there should be keywords there write down those keywords but if you scroll down just a little bit alright just a little bit more right before all the instructions on how to apply there's gonna be a little section with words that are capitalized those words have to be in the first five pages of your resume so those words and the keywords from the job description and the responsibilities of that pay grade have to be in your resume in the first five pages your resume can be 10 pages if you want but it has to be in the first 5 pages and I'm gonna explain why the way federal jobs work is that human resources is the first stop in your resume train so when you apply someone from human resources who might not have any fucking idea what the job is they're just skimming between the job listing and your resume and they're just like is this keyword here boop they check it off boop check it off and unless you have all of those words you do not move to the next step so if you've ever applied for a government job before you got a notice saying that you are quote unquote referred that just means you made it past step 1 you made it past human resources the next step is that your resume goes into the hands of your potential supervisor and if you put any fluff in your resume or if you lied at all on your resume that next step is where you get cut so the first place your resume goes is human resources then it goes to your supervisor the supervisor looks the stack of resumes and cuts it again go through the resumes and finds the ones that he likes or she likes those are the ones who get scheduled for an interview so if 10 people applied and human resources cut two that means eight resumes go to the supervisor and let's say the supervisor only likes three so he cuts five that means those three people get scheduled for an interview and that is essentially government jobs the caveat here not all government jobs are GS or General Schedule sometimes their pay band or maybe they're a unique pay scale to that agency so it's really hard to compare the best thing to do is just look at the salary range that's on the job announcement the other thing I wanna mention is most government jobs have something called locality pay so you might see that a GS thirteen is being advertised for $80,000 but if you go to the OPM website again I'm gonna leave all these links in the description but if you go to the OPM website you'll see yet 80,000 but depending on where they depending on where you live or the job is really they're going to give you locality pay so if you're a remote worker for example but you are filling this job and you live in the LA area they're gonna give you Los Angeles locality pay or if your office is in LA you'll get Los Angeles locality pay which would be an extra $30,000 a year right so maybe a GS thirteen step one even though it says 80,000 that's without locality that's the based salary but with locality if you're in LA maybe it's actually 120,000 you get a huge pay bomb but the reason why they don't put this they only put the base pay is because let's say you lived in bum fuck nowhere we're in the middle of bum fuck nowhere or like middle of Wyoming the cost of living out there is a lot less than Los Angeles so maybe your locality pay is only a couple thousand dollars so the base salary is 80 but your locality pay only brings your salary up to 90 so it's a lot less it's $30,000 less than it is in LA that's only just because the cost of living is less so locality pay is essentially like if you're in the military it's like BH like your housing allowance it's enough to offset the cost of living based on where you are at if you're a remote worker it's based on your home address if you're not a remote worker it's based on the address of your office or wherever you're going into work every day okay so that's resumes and applying for jobs in a nutshell now the process that happens after you submit your resume to private sector I don't know each business is different with the federal government after you when you go to apply for the job you submit your resume there's a questionnaire the questionnaire might seem weird but they're just assessing your skill set so for example going back to the it administrator example it might say you know were you able to perform these duties with no supervision with some supervision as part of a team and that's just assess like have you completed this task or have you ever had this responsibility that's required of the job you're applying for and if so what's your skill at like what's your proficiency at that's that questionnaires about that your best bet is just answer truthfully because if you do weasel your way into an interview they're going to figure you out immediately and depending on if you if you lied and they know that you lied you're fucked you'll never be able to apply for a government job again so just be honest with your proficiency set because you don't know who else is applying there might be other people who are eligible for that job but they're much less proficient or maybe they're too proficient or maybe they're the they have the same skill set as you but they don't really fit the job description they don't really fit the team environment or the culture of the of the agency and that's where you get a leg up because it is subjective at that point when you go into the interview for a federal job it's usually your first line supervisor maybe your second line supervisor so that would be like your manager and then you like the general manager but you also might have some of your co workers meaning people who are doing the same job as you but maybe in a different like area of responsibility or maybe they're just other people at the same pay grade who you're going to work with they're in that interview they ask everybody the same set of questions usually have like a sheet of like 10 to 15 questions and they're gonna ask every single applicant who makes it to the who makes it to the interview the same exact questions cause that's gonna level a playing field but once they do that they're gonna sit down they're gonna say wow I really like Jesse or you know I like Jesse but I don't think that she's gonna do well here or whatever the case is right so just know that there's also some federal job announcements that let's say close at the end of the year or close six months from now that's called resume farming and I don't know if it's called resume is what I call it resume farming and that's basically the federal government is looking to collect a ton of resumes so if jobs do pop up they can go back through their system again human resources go up as goes back through their system looks for those keywords and if your resume fits what they're looking for maybe they send the job directly to you as okay so now that's officially it the main the main thing is make sure you do your research make sure you tailor your resume to the job based on those keywords that you found in the job announcement or in the job listing and then lastly just fucking be honest right I've done so many interviews and I'm like you lied on your resume okay so basically you lied on your resume I can see right through it I'm just like you fluffed it and they're gonna see right through that so don't do that the next thing I wanna talk about is the interview process and negotiations so in the interview or before you get to the interview go back to the website right go back to the agency website go back to the company's website go find that mission statement again refresh yourself on the mission and the purpose and the vision of the company bring that shit with you to the resume you don't have to memorize it verbatim but find a way to make it make sense to you right in a way that you can say like like I don't know Nikes maybe you didn't know Nike was just do it right their slogan or whatever their mission statement but maybe like you know what I know that they're they wanna motivate people to live a healthier lifestyle so when you get into that resume and like why do you wanna work here what do you bring to the table you can turn around and hit him with fucking their own companies information not just shows that you do the leg work that just shows that you care so when you get into the interview room know just as much about the company as they do or as much as you can so if you get stuck on a question or whatever you can just revert back to the company's mission it's like listen you know you know you can say Starbucks missions to charge a lot of money for shitty coffee and that really resonates with me because I love shitty coffee right like you just hit him with the mission statement so for me for example um Entrepreneur Headquarters it's my business consulting firm our goal is to provide business consulting services to anybody and everybody who's willing to provide a service and do something for others so if someone was interviewing for with me and I asked them like why do you wanna work here which I do I do ask that question and they turn around and say this is total brownie points if I'm ever if I'm ever hiring and you apply and either you mention this episode or you literally tell me what mission statement is I'll be impressed um it's one way to get yourself to the top of the stack but if you but if they turned around and said you know what like your Entrepreneur Headquarters mission is to help people and that really resonates with me because I wanna help people I wanna grow as a business professional and I would love to do that while I'm also working here and promoting this mission right like those sorts of answers are so well crafted and it's no longer just about you pulling shit out of your ass maybe you should consider writing for Talking Out of Your Ass magazine it's like it's like you're telling me how the company can help you and how you can help the company and that's great it's the same thing with federal jobs if you're familiar with the company's mission statement what their goals are and with most federal agencies you'll be able to look up some of the accomplishments so if you're looking to work for the department of justice and it's an admin job and you can just talk about how even though you might be the lowest man on the totem pole it's like I'm still helping achieve this greater mission and I wanna be a part of that that is a fucking phenomenal answer I am giving you all the points here so do that okay so that's the interview if you if you wanna run lines with somebody I recommend that you do that not with me but run lines with somebody the next thing is negotiations you can even negotiate federal jobs to an extent so with federal jobs and say it is that GS twelve and they send you they say hey thanks for interviewing you were selected at a GS 12 step 1 you can say hey that's great I would really rather start at GS 12 step 10 or some shit like that you can negotiate and they'll work with you to an extent right they might not be able to give you a GS ten but maybe they can give you a GS twelve step 5 which is better than what they originally going to give you side note here even if you pass the interview and they send you a tentative offer you still have to pass all of the pre employment steps drug test and anything else that's required once you do all of those things those pre screenings what it's called then you'll get an official offer offer letter so don't put in your two weeks until you get that official offer they even tell you in the tentative offer not to put in your two weeks because you pop on the drug test or if you can't get a security clearance or if you can't do any of the other pre screening steps they yank that shit right out from underneath you and remember those people I was talking about who also interviewed they're in they're the runners up so if you fuck up as the first choice they already got somebody else so you don't have really have an opportunity to fix it they just say nope you fucked up or you didn't pass sorry and they just moved the next person in so just keep that in mind anyway negotiate negotiate your pay now the next thing what you can't do as a federal employee but you can do in private sector or even as a DOD contractor is you can negotiate your pay time off so if you can't negotiate your salary negotiate that paid time off I do this shit all the time anytime I've ever capped out at an employer I'm like that's fine you can't pay me more I want 10 extra days of leave a year or 10 extra days of pay time off a year where I want five more sick days or something like that see there's other ways that you can negotiate for the federal government it's a set number of hours that you earn each pay period that are sick days and pay time off the only way you can get more is if you're like a veteran or you have more time as a federal employee or you're a supervisor those are the only ways you can get more but with private sector man I'll tell you once I was making $140,000 DOD contractor and the Halo were like we can't pay you anymore if we paid you more the company would just lose money like that's fine I want more pay time off doesn't cost them anything really right doesn't cost them a single fucking thing because if they pay me 365 days a year anyway so if I don't work a few of those days like it's fine so I had like 21 days of leave a year that's three weeks plus 140 k like I was milking it bro but that was just because I did a fucking awesome job and I was really hard to replace like I was doing the job of like three other people so even though they were paying me like one and a half salaries they were still not having to fill those other positions so if I left they would have to hire three people and end up costing them more money so I took what they were saying with a grain of salt they couldn't afford to pay me more but also the same time

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40 was pretty fucking good for one person and then 3 weeks of leave like I was good I mean I took a pay cut when I left there so anyway but government contracting has its own kind of like there are some downsides right cause you're on a contract that contract ends they could potentially keep you or they could not keep you and for me if the next contractor didn't wanna keep me cause like who would keep one person's making 140 k right so that's essentially why I left but I digress the next thing is a rolling brag sheet now that's what we called in the military so I don't really know if there's another fucking name for it basically what I would do is at the end of each week so once you're in the job you you applied you ain't got the interview if you was federal got job you did the pre screening shit you got your final offer you're in the motherfucking seat metaphorically what you wanna do is every single week so if Friday is your last day or Thursday is your last day cause your Friday's off write down everything you did that week like what did you do to earn to earn your paycheck that was within your job description and not in your job description so if let's say you started the job but there was you know somebody else's position was also open so they gave you a few extra responsibilities just because there is a vacancy put that shit down write that shit down and keep that rolling brag sheet and the reason why you're keeping that is because and and drum roll please if you update your resume like you should which is like once or twice a year you can go through that brag sheet look for keywords and plug that shit into your resume you also have your position description from the job application that you applied for right so when you apply for a job it listed all the responsibilities of that position copy and paste that shit into your resume but then anything else that you do that isn't that you didn't copy and paste into the resume you're gonna add to this work experience and that's why you keep the master resume you just keep pumping that master resume or federal resume with information and when you are ready to update your private sector resume the one to three page resume to apply for other jobs you can just take the meat and potatoes out of that that master copy it all makes sense it all makes sense so my master copy used to be 21 pages but now that I'm like set in my career I own my own businesses maintaining a resume is not as important I also have a few different versions of my resume I have a health and fitness resume I have a security resume and then I have a business finance resume business slash finance resume so but that's just me so as I take experience I put it into the appropriate resume and if it's something that falls kind of like in a gray area I just add it to all three if you're like me and you're a fucking psycho and you have all these different careers in your subject matter expert in more than one field you could potentially create multiple resumes but it is just easier to keep one resume anyway that is the episode guys I hope this helped you out I am going to be putting links to everything in the description so I've put together some templates for you guys I've put together some links to some Canva templates if you wanna use something like that I've also put links to the OPM website if you wanna check out the GS pay grades scale if you wanna see how much government employees make and then I also put a link to USA Jobs and the table that has all of the different like series anyway that being said I'll see you guys on the flip side

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